Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker - Our first impression of the extension

Page 1. FFI: End Walker — main scenario and game WordNet page

Page 2. FFI: End Walker — Gameplay and Endgame

Page 3. Picture gallery for Final Fantasy 14: End Walker — our first impression of the extension!

With FFI: End Walker has released Square Enix on December 7, 2021, the fourth extension for Final Fantasy 14 and brings all fans of the MMO hits from Japan with a bulging Christmas present, filled with new content. But is the great final of history for Madelyn and Zodiac so well suited how we hoped for this? In our first game report, we want to share our impressions with you and betray how the extension arrived with us. For us, however, it is impossible to valid ably evaluate such a comprehensive extension in such a short time — especially because some content from Patch 6.0 has not yet appeared, such as the Savage Raids or Island Paradise. Therefore, you only read a first imprint and no full test, and therefore we do not give a rating yet.

The main scenario

The main scenario also turns over 40 hours in Final Fantasy XIV: End Walker once again a large part of the gaming experience. The action on the events of the earlier extensions is linked and consistently continues history around the two gods Madelyn and Zodiac. But all good things have to end once, and so we can now experience the big final of this story epic after over ten years. This is also greatly staged and overflow our expectations by far.

Optical opulence

The story quickly wins ride and after not even an hour of playing time we can already enter the new capital Alt-Sharlayan. Like all new areas of this enlargement, this is beautifully staged and stimulates our research spirit. It's unbelievably fun to look around here in peace and admire the many lovingly designed details.

End walker offers incredibly a lot of optical beauty, which can only be banned on a screenshot. Source: Buffed at all, the new zones are one of the big highlights of this extension and are always closely interwoven with the action of the main scenario. The story always gives us a good reason to visit the new places and also takes the necessary time to present the respective area in detail — such as brief introductory texts or through the explanations of the characters. So that we do not feel lost at the places that are sometimes quite wide scattered locations, our journey on the world map is always presented comprehensibly.

Just visually we are offered a lot here. Some later areas are simply breathtaking and include without exaggeration to the most beautiful, which we would ever admire in a computer game. The developers have done whole work in the design of these regions and ensured a multiple fact that we fold the chin load.

A story that takes time

Page 1. FFI: End Walker — main scenario and game WordNet page

Page 2. FFI: End Walker — Gameplay and Endgame

Page 3. Picture gallery for Final Fantasy 14: End Walker — our first impression of the extension!

Page 4. Picture gallery for Final Fantasy 14: End Walker — our first impression of the extension!

End walker takes a lot of time to tell his story and allows the action to develop slowly. So it's not surprising that we spend a lot of time with intermediate sequences in addition to the actual gameplay. These are now more often than in the earlier extensions. For variety, the many unique animations of the characters, which have been designed specifically for these scenes, ensure that it gives it anywhere else in the game.

And since we are in the characters: these have in Final Fantasy 14 (Buy Now €25.98) has always played a big role and also end walker does not make any exception. Once again, the focus is on the hero of the federal government of the dawn, but history also admits a place to many other characters. So we are looking forward to a lot of reunion with many well-known side characters, which are still good from the earlier extensions. A Final Fantasy would be nothing without the right portion cheese ^^ Source: buffed

Companion system pimped

In this context, the new companion system should not remain unmentioned. In end walker, it is possible in many places to explore the villages accompanied by the well-known minor characters and listen to their comments on the action. In this way, the world seems much more lively, which really liked us

However, it is annoying, however, that the NSC's can easily depend on — for example if you sprint or use a mount. If this happens, you often have to start completely from the beginning, which can certainly provide for frustration. Here, the developers would definitely repressive again so that the feature feels liquor.

Overall, the main scenario of End walker really liked us. Trailers or boring parts hardly had the story. Only when we visited the cute operates on the moon, the events happened at once rather sluggish. Fortunately, afterwards, the story has recovered quite quickly, surprised with many exciting and sometimes sad turns, which probably nobody has foreseen in this form. Square Enix is ​​here again the perfect mix of single player game and MMO managed and even managed to refine this mixture further. Last but not least, it is once again the atmospheric music of composer Masayoshi Spoken to owe that the action has been so torn.

From Stefan Drunk author 20.12.2021 at 15:30


The FFXIV Endwalker Experience | The Beginning


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