Final Fantasy XIV - How to unlock Endwalker Hunts

The game returns once again Final Fantasy XIV: End walker, which gives players an additional source of easy experience while touring the new areas. However, if you're a new player who has quickly progressed to the last expansion, you may have omitted some necessary requirements to unlock this activity. In this guide, we will make the day on earlier versions of the search and why you should do everything possible to unlock its current iteration.

Requirements to unlock previous hunts to the End walker

Even to start your hunting trip in End walker, you must first have completed missions related lines A Realm Reborn both as Heavenward. These missions begin with hunting begins, you can pick up your Great Company (Maelstrom in Lisa Louisa, in Goiania or Twin Adder Immortal Flames in UL'day).

A Realm Reborn Unlocks Hunts

This mission also has its own requirements, so you need to have level 50 and the rank of second lieutenant in your great company. This can be done by exchanging company seals (made mainly through destinations and exchanging unwanted equipment), as well as completing the range 2 of the registration of hunting company and the side quests Shadows unreleased and Sear bilious. Both missions lead you to dungeons below level 50, so they are easy to perform solo from the level 80. Once finished beech trees, you only have to talk to the NPC mission Let the Hunt Begin and the hunts for A Realm Reborn unblocked.

Unlock hunts skyward

With that out of the way, you can move on to the hunt skyward. The four missions necessary for this part are incredibly easy to do, starting with begins the search for the clan. This mission is in Foundation through the NPC Adrienne in X: 12, Y: 11. If you have completed 'hunting begins, the only other requirement is to be at level 53. There are three other missions after this, all within the same area. The last is Elite and dangerous at level 60, which is the requirement for final release in End walker hunts.

End walker requirements unlock Hunts

An As with the Heavenward, finding release in End walker hunting is incredibly simple. After completing the second mission of the expansion, Old Charlatan, New to You, several side quests are added in Old Charlatan. One is hunting specimens through the Diminutive Gleaner NPC in X: 11, Y: 12. Talking with him and then with the NPC North, unlock brands junior hunting.

Youth brands can purchase daily board game at Old Charlatan, and each requires you to kill certain monsters. The rewards of these include experience, Gil and sacks of nuts exclusive currency for hunting. The sacks of nuts can be changed by subject and grade IX X (used to increase stats team) and other items.

The sacks of nuts actually are not new to End walker specifically because it was first introduced for hunting in Shadow bringers. This means that the nuts obtained during the previous expansion will be used to obtain rewards in End walker and vice versa. Since hunting brands can get both expansions daily, get nuts it will be much faster than before.

Climbing the rows — End walker Hunts

A progressing in history and level up, you unlock missions brands for more hunting through North. This includes That specimen came from the moon at level 83, A Hunt for the Ages at level 89 and Perfect Specimens in level 90. The first two unblocked more daily hunts, while the latter is for weekly tougher elite. Brands. Elite brands are level 90, and you are rewarded with stone stones (the currency of the final game) instead of experience, but also get Gil and nuts.

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