Hawkeye: New Marvel

Hawkeye, more precisely, Clint Barton (played by Jeremy Renner), has been part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) for years, but the solo adventure never came. This will change this year at Christmas time: Disney + the Hawkeye series appears with Renner in the lead role. A first trailer introduces the unusual vibe of the new adventure in the MCU:

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Hawkeye: More Stirb Slowly as superherence

Spectors are directly the much more relaxed interpretation of Hawkeye, the Barton and its new Sidekick Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) although it represents a competent archer, but not perfect supersool data. Bishop is in the comics the successor of Barton and takes over the role of Hawkeye - insofar, we are probably looking forward to a mentor-student relationship, which leads to Steinfeld as a further part of the new MCU generation. Interesting detail is that Barton carries a hearing aid as it was also the case in the comics. The archer is just a person and is probably confronted in the series that you can not compete with gods, supersolves and exosuits forever.

Paired with Christmas setting, memories of DIRB slowly and Kevin alone come up at home. Setting the setting will also start the series in the Christmas season: Release date of the first episode is the 24th of November - six consequences then appear in the weekday.

Which comic is based on the series Hawkeye?

Whoever wants to prepare for the best on the series, we recommend the Hawkeye-Comic my life as a weapon , from which, among other things, the pizza-loving one-eyed Golden Retriever of the trailer comes. In comic we experience the adventures of Hawkeye, if he is not traveling with the Avengers. In addition, cooperation with Kate Bishop is the focus of the Comics, in which Barton protects an apartment complex in front of a unscrupulous corridor.

Are you looking forward to the series Hawkeye? How does you fend the previous MCU series, which you liked the most? It betrays us in the comments!

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